2009年6月 获吉林大学分析化学博士学位。
2009年7月至今 于河南工业大学从事粮食储藏相关方向科研及教学。
(1) Chenling Qu, Zhuozhen Li, Xiupin Wang. UHPLC-HRMS-Based untargeted lipidomics reveal mechanism of antifungal activity of carvacrol against Aspergillus flavus. Foods, 2022, 11: 93.
(2) Chenling Qu, Zhuozhen Li, Qiankui Yang, Xueke Wang, Dianxuan Wang. Effect of drying methods on peanut quality during storage. Journal of Oleo Science, 2022, 71: 57-66.
(3) Chenling Qu, Qiankui Yang, Lina Ding, Xueke Wang, Shengqiang Liu, Min Wei. The effect of microwave stabilization on the properties of whole wheat flour and its further interpretation by molecular docking, BMC Chemistry, 2021, 15: 57.
(4) Chenling Qu, Lingkun Xin, Songcheng, Min Wei. A homogeneous electrochemical aptasensor based on DNA assembly for zearalenone detection. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society. 2021, 1–8.
(5) Chenling Qu, Luyang Zhao, Xing He, Songcheng Yu, Min Wei. Magnetic beads–assisted fluorescence aptasensing approach based on dual DNA tweezers for detection of ochratoxin A and fumonisin B1 in wine and corn. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2021, 413: 6677–6685.
(6) Chenling Qu, Xueke Wang, Ziwei Wang, Songcheng Yu, Dianxuan Wang. Effect of drying temperatures on the peanut quality during hot air drying, Journal of Oleo Science, 2020, 69: 403-412.
(7) Chenling Qu, Ziwei Wang, Xiaobo Jin, Xueke Wang, Dianxuan Wang. A moisture content prediction model for deep bed peanut drying using support vector regression,
Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2020, 43(17): e13510.
(8) Chenling Qu, Hongliang Wang, Shengqiang Liu, Fangting Wang, Chang Liu. Effects of microwave heating of wheat on its functional properties and accelerated storage. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore. 2017, 54: 3699-3706.